On the 06th of October Bio Basic Europe will attend the 35th National Cytometry Conference (Session of Allergology), which will be held in the wonderful setting of Paestum. Dr. Claudio Angelinetta (Bio Basic Europe Technical Director) will present to the public the work “An alternative cytofluorimetric method for evaluating in vitro skin sensitization” (Authors: Buzzella A., Mazzini G., Vicini R., Angelinetta C., Pastoris O.). The purpose of the study is to find an alternative cytometric parameter, more sensitive than fluorescence, in order to assess the sensitizing potential of different chemicals. The results show that the method based on the analysis of forward scatter and side scatter parameters (FSC/SSC) can be used as a simple, inexpensive and sensitive, in vitro skin sensitization test for the identification of the potential sensitization of chemical compounds. Please note that the abstract of this study will be published in “Cytometry B” magazine's web site. From the left: Prof. Mazzini G., Prof.Pastoris O., Dr. Angelinetta C., Dr. Buzzella A.